Book fair sparks interest (Local News ~ 04/03/07)
Searching for the perfect book, Bryan Elementary Preschooler Zevin George enjoys the a book fair held at Bryan Elementary School in Nevada, last week. Students were also treated to a visit with Clifford, the Big Red Dog, a character from a popular series of children's books and videos, during the book fair... -
Nevada City Council to consider updated street light agreement
(Local News ~ 04/03/07)
By Ralph Pokorny Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada City Council will be considering a new three-year franchise agreement with Aquila to provide street lights for the city during Tuesday night's regular city council meeting. This franchise is to replace the 10-year franchise that Aquila had originally requested and that the council decided not to approve during their March 20 meeting...
Cottey Founder's Day fireworks light up the sky (Local News ~ 04/03/07)
The annual fireworks display during Cottey College's Founders Day weekend activities started at 9 p.m. the rain started at 9:03, but did not diminish the enthusiasm of the students, faculty or area residents who gathered behind Robertson Hall to watch the display... -
Missouri National Guard Pistol Team takes first place at the 2007 U.S. Army Small Arms Championship (Local News ~ 04/03/07)
By Regina Turner Unit Public Affairs Representative Missouri Army National Guard FORT BENNING, Ga. -- The Missouri National Guard's Pistol Team took first place in the General George Patton Combat Pistol Team Match and the U.S. Army Service Pistol Team Championship during the 2007 U.S. Army Small Arms Championship. The event was sponsored by the U.S. Army Infantry Center at Fort Benning, Ga., and conducted by the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit in early March... -
The Way It Was
(Editorial ~ 04/03/07)
100 years ago Burglars in town Burglars visited Nevada last night and so far there is no clue which will lead to their capture. The Key Grocery Store on west Austin street was burglarized but the thieves only secured 65 cents for their troubles. The burglars gained entrance to the store through a rear door and evidently brought a sledge hammer with them. ...
Newcomers Meche quickly
(Sports Column ~ 04/03/07)
It didn't take long for Dayton Moore to make the Kansas City Royals look really good. The general manager, beginning his first full season with the club, looked like a genius after Monday's season opener. From staff ace Gil Meche to shortstop Tony Pena Jr., there were Moore fingerprints all over the 7-1 victory over the mighty Boston Red Sox...