Law enforcement tax passes by a landslide; voters reject ambulance tax (Local News ~ 04/04/07)
By Crystal D. Hancock Nevada Daily Mail Vernon County will have a new jail -- thanks to the overwhelming support of voters, but the Vernon County Ambulance District's bid for its own one-half cent sales tax failed . With heavy support in the ballot box, the law enforcement sales tax has passed with an unofficial 70.49 percent of voters in favor of the measure... -
Crowder accepting applications to new RN program
(Local News ~ 04/04/07)
Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada Campus of Crowder College has made it through two of the three needed steps to initiate the Associate of Science degree in Nursing and is preparing to launch the program. The final step is the formality of the June State Board of Nursing acceptance of the site survey results. An "emergency" provision was invoked to allow the Nevada RN program to go ahead and start taking student applications and to advertise for the director and instructor positions...
Council approves repairs to wastewater treatment facility
(Local News ~ 04/04/07)
By Ralph Pokorny Nevada Daily Mail The city's wastewater treatment plant is old and some of the essential equipment is failing, officials say; so, at the recommendation of the city manager the city council voted Tuesday night to spend up to $20,807 to rebuild three pumps...
New 2007 Missouri Highway Work Zones map helps motorists plan their trips
(Local News ~ 04/04/07)
Nevada Daily Mail JEFFERSON CITY -- To help motorists prepare for another busy work zone season, the Missouri Department of Transportation has just released its 2007 Missouri Highway Work Zones Map. The free map details 160 major construction sites across the state...
World's tallest horse visits Nevada (Local News ~ 04/04/07)
Radar, a Belgian draft horse, featured in the "Guinness Book of World Records" as the tallest living horse, visited Nevada at Orscheln Farm and Home on Monday from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Radar is 19 hands 3 1/2 inches tall (6 foot 7 1/2 inches) and weighs more than 2,400 pounds. Radar was accompanied by two unnamed miniature horses, in a separate pen... -
Keeping the Dream Alive
(Column ~ 04/04/07)
It has been 40 years since Mary A. McGennis gave 160 acres of land to be used by the youth in this area. Forty years already? For many of us it does not seem to be that long. That was the beginning of the McGennis Youth Center and since then it has received a great amount of use, which will continue in the future...
Nevada golfers win in Butler, fall at Briarbrook
(High School Sports ~ 04/04/07)
Nevada Daily Mail It was a good showing in Butler and a rough outing at Briarbrook the past couple days for the Nevada Tiger golf team. Nevada shot a team score of 168 at Butler Monday, beating the hosts and El Dorado Springs in a triangular. Butler was six shots behind Nevada, and El Do finished way back with a 197...
NHS baseball falls to .500
(High School Sports ~ 04/04/07)
Nevada Daily M ail The Nevada Tigers fell to Carl Junction, 10-5, in the first round of the Bill O'Dell baseball tournament in Carthage Monday. Jordan Kerbs had two of Nevada's seven hits and also drove in a pair to lead Nevada. Errors were costly though, as they committed four, while Carl Junction had only two...
Tiger tennis drops opener
(High School Sports ~ 04/04/07)
Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada tennis opened the 2007 season with a 9-0 loss to Thomas Jefferson in Joplin Tuesday. All six singles matches were won 8-0, while two doubles matches also saw Nevada go without a point. The only games won came in No. 1 doubles, where Ryan Kimbrough and Jake Holmes took three, but fell 8-3...
Nevada JV track runs in Neosho
(High School Sports ~ 04/04/07)
Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada Tiger JV track team was in Neosho for a meet Tuesday. Out of 10 teams, the Nevada girls were fourth and the boys were seventh. Neosho won both boys and girls team titles. Mariah Mock won the girls' 100-yard dash with a time of 13.50 seconds...