Enhanced Website Launch Monday
(Local News ~ 04/15/07)
Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- The Fort Scott Tribune is now more informative, entertaining, interactive, and easier to access, with Monday's launch of the new Fort Scott Tribune Online at www.fstribune.com. The Fort Scott Tribune Online is redesigned to provide up-to-the-minute information in an interactive medium for the community...
Magazine publishes Nevada woman's story
(Local News ~ 04/15/07)
By Steve Moyer Herald-Tribune NEVADA, Mo. -- The April/May issue of "Reminisce" magazine features an article from a Nevada resident, Pauline Sewell. Sewell married a Mexico, Mo., musician, Arthur Sewell, who was in a trio that won the Old Fiddlers contest in Moberly in 1935...
Dispatchers Honored
(Local News ~ 04/15/07)
By Steve Moyer Herald-Tribune NEVADA, Mo. -- Pizza, pop and goody bags awaited Nevada's dispatchers at a ceremony honoring them for their service Thursday at the Nevada Public Safety Building. Marilyn Selvey, with more than 34 years of service, took command of the situation and organized the recognition for the city dispatchers...
Hard times close Fort Scott Lanes (Local News ~ 04/15/07)
By Brett Dalton Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- After 14 years of digging deep into their pockets and into debt, Bob and Debbie Talbot have ended their attempt at keeping Fort Scott Lanes going. The Talbots officially closed the doors last month, as March 14 marked the final day it was open to the public. Fort Scott Lanes, 2003 S. Main St., did open back up a couple weeks later for the one-day event Bowling for Kids Sake, a fund raiser conducted by Big Brothers Big Sisters... -
Uniontown schools get baseball, softball programs
(Local News ~ 04/15/07)
By Jason E. Silvers Herald-Tribune UNIONTOWN, Kan. -- After nearly six months of debate and review, the USD 235 Board of Education has chosen to offer baseball and softball to students in the district next spring. The board voted unanimously last Monday to add both Kansas State High School Activities Association programs to the district for the spring 2008 semester, after hearing input from parents, teachers, coaches and other community members since October on the issue of whether or not the programs would benefit all students in the district.. ...
FSPD joins crime crackdown
(Local News ~ 04/15/07)
By Michael Glover Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- Fort Scott police recently participated in an countywide initiative with other area law enforcement agencies aimed at crime interdiction through increased traffic stops. On April 3, 4 and 5, officers conducted numerous traffic stops in Bourbon County and inside Fort Scott...
Dorothy Clara Martens
(Obituary ~ 04/15/07)
Dorothy Clara Martens, age 80, a lifetime resident of Bourbon County, Kan., died Friday, April 13, 2007, at the Medicalodge Nursing Home. She was born May 15, 1926, in Bourbon County, the daughter of Ralph A. Singmaster and Lottie Viola Query Singmaster. She graduated from Fort Scott High School and then attended business college in Wichita. She married William F. "Bill" Martens Jr. on Aug. 19, 1950, in Fort Scott. He preceded her in death on May 9, 1995...
Clovis the caveman for president
(Column ~ 04/15/07)
Hi neighbors. I've been thinking we need a new approach to government. And I have the ideal candidate in mind -- Clovis the fictional caveman. Government should be simple enough that a caveman can do it, right? Actually, I didn't realize so many cavemen were still around. (I haven't seen any cavewomen on television commercials yet.)...
Weather belies global warming
(Column ~ 04/15/07)
It's all Al Gore's fault. Since I have been hearing so much about global warming, I keep moving up my planting dates for the garden. Another less honorable reason is that I like to have ripe tomatoes ahead of my neighbor down the street. A week before the deep freeze hit, or what some people call "The Arctic Clipper" came in from the north, I bought eighteen tomato plants and planted them in the garden, knowing I was off to a good start. ...
Foxes and Jayhawkers killed or captured
(Column ~ 04/15/07)
In the Spring of 1862, the Union Forces in Missouri and Kansas were waging a frustrating war against the cunning Confederate foxes (guerrillas) and the murderous Kansas Jayhawkers (outlaws and redlegs). Violent incidents involving these culprits were especially common and more prevalent along or near the border of Kansas and Missouri. ...
Rain wipes out all Friday events in Fort Scott (High School Sports ~ 04/15/07)
By Scott Nuzum Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- Fort Scott High School called off two events and saw two others cancelled Friday due to the rain in the area. Fort Scott High School baseball was scheduled to play Girard Friday at Lions Park. Ironically, this was a make-up date as this doubleheader was rained out when it was originally scheduled on March 30. ... -
Weather creating nightmares for athletic directors
(Other Sports ~ 04/15/07)
By Joe Warren Herald-Tribune NEVADA, Mo. -- Postponed. Canceled. Two words that make athletic directors cringe and players left wondering if they're ever going to play. The recent rash of weather-related schedule alterations for area high school athletics have once again created headaches for Nevada High School athletic director Kevin McKinley...
Youth ballers find success (Community Sports ~ 04/15/07)
Herald-Tribune FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- A traveling basketball team made up of sixth-grade boys from Fort Scott just finished a season in which they won five tournaments and the championship of the Burlington (Kan.) league and finished with a stellar record of 31-1... -
For some players it just isn't meant to be
(Sports Column ~ 04/15/07)
Beautiful little Ponce De Leon Park in Atlanta had a hill behind the right field wall, much like the one at Kansas City's old Municipal Stadium. The major difference is that behind that upper wall atop the hill in Kansas City was Brooklyn Ave. In Atlanta, it was a railroad track...
Turkey time in Missouri has come a long way
(Outdoors ~ 04/15/07)
After a successful youth weekend hunt March 31-April 1, the regular spring gobbler season opens tomorrow, April 16, a little earlier than usual. A couple of weeks ago hunters like Robert Davis, Harrisonville, were saying that the warm March weather had the birds talking much earlier than usual and when the season opened it might be difficult to find birds...