Robert Murry Wingate
(Obituary ~ 04/16/08)
Robert Murry Wingate, 88, of Schell City, the youngest son of Ralph Mason and Lorinda Gertrude (Current) Wingate, was born Feb. 27, 1929, in Nevada, and passed from this life at 3:55 a.m., on Saturday, April 12, 2008, at the Ellett Memorial Hospital, in Appleton City, Mo...
Emily Waitley
(Obituary ~ 04/16/08)
Emily Waitley, 90, Nevada, passed away on Tuesday, April 15, 2008, at Moore-Few Care Center, in Nevada. She was born April 10, 1918, at Akron, Colo., to Leonard Malachi Batterson and Alice Ruth Reynolds Batterson, She married Orville Waitley on May 26, 1936, in Akron, Colo. He preceded her in death in 1996...
Concern about the parks
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/16/08)
Dear Editor, It's with mixed emotions that I wrote you today as a follow up to a letter to you a short time ago concerning the trash and praising the two young men in their wonderful job of cleaning up uncaring people's dumping of trash in the Walton Lake. They did a very good job, the lake was clean and beautiful when they were finished...
Health Fair provides education
(Column ~ 04/16/08)
As you know my career was in extension giving leadership to 4-H. Do you know that when the program was in its early development it was called 3-H, standing for Head Heart and Hands? It was not long before the fourth H was added, standing for Health. The early pioneers in this youth movement recognized the importance of health to the youth involved and to their families...
Traffic stop on I-44 results in marijuana seizure In Jasper County
(Local News ~ 04/16/08)
On April 12, a Missouri State Highway Patrol trooper stopped the driver of an eastbound Ford Fusion on Interstate-44 in Jasper County for a traffic violation. The stop and subsequent investigation resulted in the seizure of approximately 10 pounds of marijuana...
Junior Ranger Day set for April 26 at Fort Scott National Historic Site
(Local News ~ 04/16/08)
"Explore, Learn, Protect: Be a Junior Ranger" is the theme at this year's Junior Ranger Day at Fort Scott National Historic Site, being held April 26, 2008. Junior Ranger Day, now in its second year, is being celebrated at numerous National Park Service areas throughout the United States. ...
VCSWCD honors farmers, students in annual event (Local News ~ 04/16/08)
The Vernon County Soil and Water Conservation District conducted its 46th annual dinner and awards ceremony on Friday, April 11, in the home economics building at the Vernon County fairgrounds. Fred Feldman, chairman of the district's Board of Supervisors, welcomed those in attendance -- all of whom were treated to a free chicken dinner, as is the tradition at the annual event... -
Council agrees to land swap with R-5 school district
(Local News ~ 04/16/08)
When the state of Missouri closed the Nevada State Hospital in the early 1990's they gave the Bowman Building to the Nevada R-5 School District. The state also gave much of the vacant property as well as the Ozark Building to the city of Nevada. When the Nevada R-5 School District began to develop the Bowman Building in 1995 they needed a parking lot and at that time they made an agreement with the city to trade a similarly-sized lot the school district owned in the Klumpp Subdivision, located north of Highland Avenue, for property directly west of the Bowman Building.. ...
Touring the Capitol (Local News ~ 04/16/08)
Purple martins arrive in Missouri (Local News ~ 04/16/08)
In the birding world, few species generate more excitement than does the "Purple Martin," a swallow that is arriving now in Missouri, with reports of "scouts" logged almost daily online. Dozens have reported sightings in Missouri and Kansas; and although no one listed a Vernon County city of residence in reporting them to www.purplemartin.org, 15 people responded that they'd seen the birds this spring to the Nevada Daily Mail's poll on the subject...