Faith Lilly Damon
(Births ~ 04/18/08)
Amanda and James Damon, of Rockville, Mo., and siblings Dakota Wilson and Colton Floyd, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and baby sister, Faith Lilly Damon. Faith was born at 4:47 p.m., April 14, 2008, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 8 pounds, 0 ounces, and measured 19 3/4 inches...
John P. Musick
(Obituary ~ 04/18/08)
John P. Musick, age 64, of Kansas City, Mo., passed away at his home, Tuesday, April 15, 2008. John was born March 27, 1944, in Kansas City. He was adopted at age 4 by Lola and Ike Musick. He attended and graduated from Nevada High School. John was a member of the United States Air Force from 1962 to 1966, and served one year over seas in Korea. ...
Blended blessings
(Column ~ 04/18/08)
From age 2 to 10, my life was spent on a farm between Sheldon and Milo. We raised cattle and crops mostly. We also had this Guernsey milk cow. This cow had no name, but she was a big part of our lives. The milk we got from this cow was raw milk. It was not pasteurized, and most certainly was not homogenized -- blended together to make a more cohesive, healthful result...
Who's for President?
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/18/08)
Dear editor: In Montana at least one could quite likely claim that the United States of America is a great country and not get thrown under a bus for saying so. Further, a good argument could be made that the United States as a nation has done more for the welfare and good of humanity than any other nation in history. ...
NEVC patrons have alternatives
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/18/08)
Dear Editor: Let me share my reasons why the NEVC levy did not pass and, if brought up again, will not pass. The current timing is not good. Nearly everything costs more today than a year ago such as food and fuel. You can relate to this. Why vote to increase taxes and add to this growing financial burden?...
Patrons urge review of R-5 eligibility rules
(Local News ~ 04/18/08)
Concerns have been raised about the school's academic eligibility policy. Two people came before the Nevada R-5 Board of Education during its regular meeting Wednesday night, to discuss the academic eligibility policy, Rick Fast and Michelle Long. Each discussed different perspectives on the policy and requested the board consider changing the policy to treat students more fairly...
Chalk art event to benefit local elementary school activities
(Local News ~ 04/18/08)
A unique event featuring sidewalk art, fun and food is slated for Saturday on the Cottey College campus. Dubbed "Festa Italia" is an idea a Cottey student, Rebecca Vanni, brought with her from Martinez, Calif. Cottey students who participate get someone, or themselves, to sponsor a square to draw on with chalk. The drawings will be judged and there will be prizes for the top three winners, $25 for first place, $15 for second place and $10 for third place...
Cottey presents program on sexual assault April 23
(Local News ~ 04/18/08)
The Cottey College Office of Student Life presents a program on sexual assault titled "Let's Talk About IT!" on Wednesday, April 23, at 8 p.m., in the Missouri Recital Hall. The program is free. In their original program, Kelly Addington and Becca Tieder inspire students to honestly discuss sexual assault and the issues surrounding it. ...
Harwood United Methodist Church fades into history (Local News ~ 04/18/08)
On April 6 The United Methodist Church in Harwood welcomed members and friends to celebrate the history of the building and its people. The response was huge for the small village of Harwood. With a population of around 100 people, 31 showed up for the celebration and deconsecration of the building... -
Hoops on the hoof (Local News ~ 04/18/08)