Linda Ann Bigelow
(Obituary ~ 06/01/13)
Linda Ann Bigelow, 60, Nevada, Mo., died on Thursday, May 30, 2013, at her home. She was born on Oct. 2, 1952, in Kansas City, Kan., to Albert Brinkman and Mildred I. Bennett Brinkman. Family information and funeral arrangements will announced at a later date by Ferry Funeral Home...
Barry Dean Stark
(Obituary ~ 06/01/13)
Barry Dean Stark, 56, Carrollton, Mo., died Wednesday, May 29, 2013, at Freeman West Health System, Joplin, Mo. Family information and funeral arrangements will announced at a later date by Ferry Funeral Home. View obituary and send condolences online at www.ferryfuneralhome.com...
Clinton H. Gillespie
(Obituary ~ 06/01/13)
Clinton H. Gillespie, 90, Independence, Mo., formerly of Moundville, Mo., passed away on Thursday, May 30, 2013, at his home in Independence. He was born on Oct. 7, 1922, in Moundville to Joseph Clinton Gillespie and Edith Mae Blackwell Gillespie. He married Mary L. Nunez on July 7, 1952, in Nevada, Mo., and she preceded him in death...
Social what?
(Column ~ 06/01/13)
Hi neighbors. Do you remember never having a television? I think most of us have always had radios. What about telephones? Radios were always pretty simple. They may have had 10 buttons or knobs on them, but only three worked: on/off, volume and station selection. Early on there were only AM stations...
Those left behind should also be kept in our thoughts
(Column ~ 06/01/13)
Last week we observed Memorial Day, a day set aside for remembering the men and women who served in the armed forces. Memorial Day is a federal holiday that originated after the Civil War. Although it originally was to honor those who died in the Civil War, it was later changed to honor and remember all those who died while serving in the armed forces. ...
Take a journey into your own family past
(Column ~ 06/01/13)
This is a tale of family, a tale of genealogy, a tale of history, and a tale of opportunities. I would like to start out by saying up front that it's important to record, in some fashion, the memories of your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents...
Ridge Dickson - Blair Chrisenberry (Engagement ~ 06/01/13)
Blair Chrisenberry and Ridge Dickson announce their engagement and approaching marriage on Saturday, June 22, 2013, in a 3 o'clock ceremony at the residence of the parents of the bride. The bride-elect is the daughter of Kevin and Chris Pettibon and the late Larry Chrisenberry. Blair is the granddaughter of Pat Chrisenberry and the late Bob Chrisenberry, Kenny and Velma Wescoat, Jerry and Nancy Sanders, and Cliff and Donna Pettibon... -
Qualifying for the state track meet is impressive
(Letter to the Editor ~ 06/01/13)
Dear Editor: We would like to thank the Nevada Daily Mail for their coverage of the activities, sports, and achievements of Nevada, Vernon County, and El Dorado Springs students. Showcasing these accomplishments in your paper is a positive reinforcement of the hard work and good decisions that most of our youth make...
Goodman -- 50 years (Anniversary ~ 06/01/13)
Ervin and Carolyn Goodman will observe their 50th wedding anniversary with a reception Saturday, June 15, 2013, from 2 to 4 p.m., at the Schell City Community Building. Friends and family are welcome to join the couple in celebrating this special occasion... -
NRSC extends May application deadline
(Local News ~ 06/01/13)
Farmers, ranchers and forestland owners who want to sign up for the Natural Resources Conservation Service's Conservation Stewardship Program have until June 14 to submit their application to their local NRCS office to ensure they are considered for this year's funding...
Council agenda light agenda
(Local News ~ 06/01/13)
The Nevada City Council will hold a special executive session at the mayor's request at 6 p.m. Monday for personnel issues. The regular monthly meeting will follow at 7 in the council chambers, located in the Public Safety Building, 120 S. Ash St. Other than the approval of three sets of minutes the only item of business on the agenda is the second reading of an ordinance to change the zoning at the southeast corner of Maple and Cedar streets from R-2, two-family district, to RP-2, two-family planned district, at the request of the property owner.. ...
Farmers' Market to be open
(Local News ~ 06/01/13)
Friday night's stormy weather is not expected to interrupt business at the Farmers' Market in Nevada. Market Master Kelly Ast said the market will be open during regular business hours from 8 a.m. to noon. "Looks like there might be rain early tomorrow morning, but the Farmers' Market will be open," she said...
Mud bath rodeo (Local News ~ 06/01/13)