Board tackles sewer problems
(Local News ~ 06/06/13)
Nevada Daily Mail Pumping 150 gallons of water a minute -- 216,000 gallons -- for more than 24 hours into a lagoon designed to take 26,000 gallons of water a day is bound to create problems for the city of Bronough. That's how Gary Laudermilk, Bronaugh water and wastewater treatment operator, ex-plained the city's sewer system problem at the board of aldermen meeting Monday. The problem is not a new one...
'Border War Reflections' adds context to Bushwhacker Days (Local News ~ 06/06/13)
Editor's Note: Janet Reed reviewed the original play, "Border Wars Reflection" during its sponsor performance Tuesday night. Reed is a member of the English and theater faculty of Crowder College. People who casually toss out the maxim "two sides to every story" on first hearing of a scandal or juicy piece of gossip generally stop the telling of the particulars -- especially the "other" side -- with the cavalier dropping of the familiar phrase. ... -
Bushwhacker Days gets beautiful start (Local News ~ 06/06/13)
Nevada Daily Mail At times Wednesday, it appeared that Bushwhacker Days might get a wet start, with entertainment moved to the community center and the rest of the activities postponed. But Mother Nature seemed to have something else in mind. By mid-afternoon the sun peered through the clouds and by the time the 6 p.m. opening ceremony rolled around, the weather was beautiful. One couldn't have asked for a better day, with its moderate temperature and slight breeze... -
Hold to sign with Missouri Southern State
(High School Sports ~ 06/06/13)
Adding yet another notch to his cap, Nevada High School pole vaulter Morgan Hold has announced his plans to sign a letter of intent to continue his pole vaulting career at Missouri Southern State University. Hold was one of the biggest bright spots on head coach Robert Watts' Nevada High School track and field team this year. ...
Griffons defeat Chillicothe, 5-2
(Community Sports ~ 06/06/13)
TRENTON, Mo. -- The Nevada Griffons extended their winning streak to three games with a 5-2 victory over the Chillicothe Mudcats Wednesday night, at Burleigh Grimes Field, on the campus of North Central Missouri College. The Griffons jumped out to an early 5-0 lead as starting pitcher Steve Danielak shut down the Mudcats' offense almost completely through the early portions of the contest. ...
Red Sox season opener postponed
(Community Sports ~ 06/06/13)
The Nevada Red Sox AA American Legion baseball team was scheduled to get the 2013 season under way Thursday afternoon with a district game against Warrensburg, but as has happened on several occasions to other teams around Nevada already this summer, Mother Nature had other plans...
Neptunes to host hamburger lunch
(Community Sports ~ 06/06/13)
The Nevada Neptunes swim team is scheduled to host a fund-raising hamburger lunch, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., on June 28, on the north side of the Nevada Square. For a $7 donation, a hamburger, chips, dessert and soft drink will be available. Tickets are available, in advance, from Neptunes swimmers and their parents, as well as Myles Miller's Edward Jones office on E. Cherry Street, in Nevada...