Johnson wanted in the alleged assault of a Missouri State Trooper
(Local News ~ 06/10/03)
The Missouri State Highway Patrol is on the lookout for a suspect, who troopers believe assaulted Sgt. A.R. Raetz, on May 27, during an incident which began when Sgt. Raetz stopped a man along a Webster County roadway for a traffic violation. While Raetz ap-proached the vehicle, the driver attempted to run over Raetz. ...
Post retires after 53 years
(Local News ~ 06/10/03)
Nevada Chiropractor Elmer C. Post, a life-long resident of Vernon County, has retired after 53 years of helping suffering people feel better. Post has turned his practice over to Robyn S. Moore who will continue to serve patients in the office Post has practiced in for more than 44 years. ...
Brody Buster plays the blues
(Local News ~ 06/10/03)
Nobody mentioned the fact that the harmonica player who was playing inches away from the enthralled crowd on Friday night is just 19 years old. It didn't matter. "Awesome, just awesome," said Preston Messenger, referring to the music that filled the room. ...
New winners take checkered flags at Nevada Speedway
(High School Sports ~ 06/10/03)
A season-long pattern was broken as four new winners were crowned at Nevada Speedway on Saturday. As a result, the points standings tightened a bit in all four divisions. Donnie Timmerman's second-place finish in the Late model class feature catapulted him to just 20 points behind leader Jack Simmons of Erie, Kan. ...
Bills leads Griffons to weekend wins
(High School Sports ~ 06/10/03)
Nevada Griffons' third baseman Kevin Bills was "money." Bills, slammed two solo home runs and added an RBI on a sacrifice fly to lead the Griffons to a 6-3 victory over the Newton Rebels on Saturday. "Kevin Bills had a great game at third base, made a great play and singlehandedly kept us in the game with the bat," said Griffons' coach Daryl Byrd. ...
The way it was 6/10
(Column ~ 06/10/03)
100 Years Ago -- June 10, 1903 The scoundrel who broke open J.A. Daly's barn and stole Mr. Daly's valuable draft team was still enjoying his liberty according to the last reports received here this morning. Chief of Police Moore had the gentlemen who joined in the chase followed the thief into Fort Scott, Kan., and were only one hour behind him. ...
Young blood 6/10
(Column ~ 06/10/03)
I would like to devote this column to two simple words for one amazing community. Those simple words are thank you, and that amazing community I'm talking about is Nevada. I guess I should tell you why I am so thankful to Nevada. It all started during my senior year of high school. ...