Armadillo population on the rise in Nevada
(Local News ~ 06/18/03)
An armor-backed, long-nosed, nearly-blind lawn-wrecking machine -- the nine-banded armadillo, is invading. They're encroaching on Nevada in ever-increasing numbers. Tim Russell, Wildlife Regional Supervisor for the Missouri Department of Conservation at the Southwest Regional office in Springfield confirms what many local drivers have suspected, the population of armadillos is increasing and its range is expanding. ...
Grant funds after school reading program
(Local News ~ 06/18/03)
At the Nevada R-5 school board meeting Wednesday, June 12, Dr. Ted Davis told the board of a new grant being awarded to Bryan and Benton Schools by the national Reading is Fundamental/Coca Cola Corporation. The grant will fund an after-school literacy program that will provide books, and other resources and activities to support family-based reading activities throughout the coming school year. ...
City pulls the plug on power plant proposal
(Local News ~ 06/18/03)
The city of Nevada will not be pursuing an electricity-generating plant at this time. After considerable discussion among the council members during Tuesday night's regular council meeting, the council let a motion to spend $10,000 on a feasibility study for the plant die for lack of a second. ...
Defending champs three-peat at Nevada Country Club
(High School Sports ~ 06/18/03)
The Nevada Country Club held its annual Four-Ball Invitational Tournament last weekend. Sixty-two two-man teams teed off on Saturday in the 36-hole event, which wrapped up on Sunday. The team of Kevin Triplett of Grand Junction, Colo., and Steve Swander of Craig, Colo., successfully defended its 2002 title with a victory in the championship flight. ...
Timmerman unseats Simmons for late model points lead; Chrisenbery, Morrow, Rose stand fast
(High School Sports ~ 06/18/03)
Hot-air balloons in the air above the track, an excellent racing field and a full moon in the sky is how Gail Agee, Nevada Speedway reporter, described the setting at Bushwhacker weekend racing at the 1/4-mile dirt track on Saturday. One major development on the track saw a new points leader emerge in the Late model division. ...
The way it was 6/18
(Column ~ 06/18/03)
100 Years Ago -- June 18, 1903 ITEMS -- Sam Norton, formerly of this city but now a resident of Jerico Springs, says his town is going to have an electric railroad and that a committee from Sheldon met the Jerico Springs people Thursday. He says Sheldon wants the line but that he would rather see it built to Nevada and thinks that if proper effort is made by Nevada citizens it could be built to this city. ...
Leonard at large 6/18
(Column ~ 06/18/03)
"What is that new building, over there?" One person asked me this recently, referring to the construction that is under way at Hunter and Main. It is going to be the new senior center, a place to serve all of the seniors of Vernon County. If you have gone by it recently, you will notice that progress is being made and the building is taking form. ...