Four lay claim to royalty title
(Local News ~ 06/13/03)
Ten girls lined up in front of the stage Thursday night hoping to win one of the four 2003 Bushwhacker Royalty titles. Last Saturday morning, the girls were up early for the Bushwhacker Royalty Tea at the Bushwhacker Museum. At the tea the girls modeled their dresses, had informal interviews with judges and performed a talent for the audience. ...
Big and tall or short and small -- a good time was had by all
(Local News ~ 06/13/03)
The second annual Bushwhacker Dog Show and prize drawing was held 5:30 p.m. Wednesday on the east side of the Square. Three rings were set up and well-behaved dogs and their owners competed with much enthusiasm and good natured rivalry in categories unlike most dog shows. ...
The way it was 6/13
(Column ~ 06/13/03)
100 Years Ago -- June 13, 1903 UPDATE- Chief of Police Moore received a message from Sheriff Yonkey at Erie, Kansas, stating that the man who stole J.A. Daly's team of horses and also a saddle horse later, has been captured in Wilson County, Kansas, and is now in jail at Fredonia. ...
Through a glass darkly 6/13
(Column ~ 06/13/03)
In a move on par with broken treaties with various tribes in the 1800's, the brutal repression of the bonus marchers in the 1930's and the internment of Japanese-Americans in the 1940's the Supreme Court has turned its back on America's veterans who were promised free medical care and who have been denied it since 1995. ...
Stories from Friday, June 13, 2003
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