Proposed Amendment: Stem cell issue put to vote
(Local News ~ 11/01/06)
By Colette Lefebvre-Davis Nevada Daily Mail This election season's most heated debate has been related to the Missouri Stem Cell Initiative or Constitutional Amendment No. 2. Candidates have spoken, local churches have held informational meetings, but many voters say they are still confused about the amendment in general, and cloning, specifically...
Proposition B: Minimum wage hike on its way?
(Local News ~ 11/01/06)
By Colette Lefebvre-Davis Nevada Daily Mail On Nov. 7, voters will choose whether to amend the state's constitution, raising the minimum wage to $6.50 per hour, and changing the minimum wage each year, based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. Proposition B states that the minimum wage shall be increased or decreased on Jan. ...
McCord, Forkner seek presiding office
(Local News ~ 11/01/06)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Tuesday voters will face a host of decisions on various issues and candidates, one of those races is for the Presiding Commissioner of Vernon County. The two candidates for that office are Democrat Bonnie McCord and Republican Arch Forkner. Both candidates answered a questionnaire on several issues facing the county this year...
Scares aren't over, it's El Dia de los Muertos
(Local News ~ 11/01/06)
By Colette Lefebvre-Davis Nevada Daily Mail Halloween is over, the costumes are put away but Nov. 1, isn't the end for many cultures. Nov. 1 marks the Mexican holiday of El Dia de los Muertos, or the day of the dead. The holiday has it's origins more than 500 years ago, when the Spanish conquistadors landed in Mexico, they encountered natives practicing rituals that seemed to mock death. ...
Nothing square about safe treats (Local News ~ 11/01/06)
The Safe Treats Parade was held Tuesday afternoon at the Nevada Square. (Right) Erica Caldwell and Kyla Guss distribute treats to 14-month-old twins Allie and Abbi Balk during the parade Tuesday. The annual event is sponsored by Main Street Nevada. (Above) Bill Foster offers candy to 13-month-old Braedon Noel and Christine Long during the parade... -
Trick or treat? Metz Bank is pregnant (Local News ~ 11/01/06)
No, they are not all pregnant. The only two that really are pregnant are (Left) Kim Swope, a Metz Bank cashier, and Alisha Walker, a Metz Bank teller. But the whole office got involved on Halloween, as many employees donned bellies like they were each pregnant... -
Let's vote
(Column ~ 11/01/06)
"This is the most important election in my lifetime. There is a lot of stuff to vote for," was a comment Andy Remington made this week. Many agree with Andy that this is an important election, especially for a mid-term election. One of the great privileges we have is the opportunity to vote and to express our opinion. ...
Letter to Editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/01/06)
Vote "No" on Amendment 2 Dear Editor, A scientific explanation for children about why a vote for the Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative is also a vote for cloning human embryos. "Mommy, what is SCNT?" "It stands for Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. It's what scientists used to make Dolly the cloned sheep."...
Lady Tiger golf awards (High School Sports ~ 11/01/06)
The Nevada Lady Tiger golf team held its end of the year banquet at Greenfield's Oct. 23. (Clockwise from above) State qualifiers Heather Klingaman, Lakyn Mansfield and Aubrey Jones along with coach Brian Leonard; Leonard gives Jones the Lowest Scoring Average award; Leonard gives Klingaman the Fighting Lady Tiger award... -
Elks hoop shoot winners (Local News ~ 11/01/06)
Eighth-grade b-ball
(High School Sports ~ 11/01/06)
Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada Lady Tiger eighth-grade basketball team played three games recently. On Oct. 23, the Lady Tigers were at Neosho. The A-team lost 49-19, while the B-team lost 28-12. The leading scorers for Nevada in the A-game were Lexi Johnson with eight points and Kelci Cliffman with five...
Halloween Classic
(Outdoors ~ 11/01/06)
Nevada Daily Mail Joe Borland and Kevin Borland of Carthage won the Championship Flight of the Halloween Classic Golf Tournament held at Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course Saturday. The tournament was played as a two-man scramble. Eric Barwick and Tim Judd, both of Nevada, finished second in the top flight...