Annual toy drive under way (Local News ~ 11/22/06)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail "We're getting the classroom ready for use as a toy chest," Vernon County Ambulance Director James McKenzie said. "We want to be ready for the toys when they come in. We've already had some monetary donations come in this year."... -
Moore to continue as city manager
(Local News ~ 11/22/06)
By Ralph Pokorny Nevada Daily Mail On Dec. 5, Harlan Moore will officially become Nevada's new city manager. Tuesday night the Nevada City Council voted unanimously to hire Moore, who has been serving as the city's interim city manager since May. Moore's contract to serve as interim city manager expired on Nov. ...
Council OKs water, sewer rate changes
(Local News ~ 11/22/06)
By Ralph Pokorny Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada City Council took a second shot at raising the city's water and sewer rates as recommended by Carl Brown, a consultant the council hired to look at water and sewer rates. This time the effort was successful on both measures. Each passed with a 3-2 vote. Voting yes on both measures were councilmembers Russ Kemm, Bill Edmonds and Jim Rayburn. Voting no on both ordinances were Dick Meyers and Bill Gillette...
The Wampanog and the pilgrims
(Features ~ 11/22/06)
By Colette Lefebvre-Davis Nevada Daily Mail Thanksgiving has proved one of the most enduring and popular symbols of the pilgrims and the United States. Millions of immigrants who arrived in America between 1880 and 1920 learned "Americanism" from the story of the pilgrims and their celebration of thanksgiving. ...
Attorney General's Office offers online quiz about the Sunshine Law
(State News ~ 11/22/06)
Nevada Daily Mail A citizen wants to tape record the open portion of a city council meeting. Can the city council say no recording is allowed? That's one of the questions posed in an online quiz designed to educate Missouri's public officials and its citizens about the state Open Meetings and Records Law, popularly known as the Sunshine Law. Attorney General Jay Nixon launched the quiz Monday on his Web site, www.ago.mo.gov...
Peggy Heuser
(Obituary ~ 11/22/06)
Peggy Heuser, age 80 of Rich Hill, Mo., former owner and operator of Heuser Hardware Store in Rich Hill for 45 years passed away Nov. 20, 2006, at the Regency Care Center in Independence, Mo. She is survived by her twin sister, Betty Parker; sister, Jean Smith, Independence; sister-in-law, Melva Heuser; brother-in-law, Harold Heuser, Rich Hill; 11 nieces and nephews...
Albert Mark Oskee (Obituary ~ 11/22/06)
Albert Mark Oskee, age 77, a former resident of Fort Scott and the West Liberty area, died Monday, Nov. 20, 2006, at the Christian Health Center in Nevada, Mo. He was born Nov. 21, 1928, in Leavenworth, Kan., the son of Mark Butler Oskee and Olive Pearl Roweth Oskee... -
Eat a balanced diet and in moderation on Thanksgiving Day
(Column ~ 11/22/06)
Thanksgiving Day is a special day -- a time to express our thanks and to feast. There is much to be thankful for. Each one of you has your special things for which to give thanks thanks on your list. We are thankful for our family and our friends. Things we are thankful for include our community, our form of government, the many people that serve us, such as those in the health professions and law enforcement. ...
Missouri state youth bowling champions (Community Sports ~ 11/22/06)
Special to the Daily Mail The Capri Bowl USBC Youth League was again honorably represented in this year's event by those dedicated bowlers who competed in different division and events. These bowlers included; Kourtni Gilmore, Felicia Keller, Megan Sands, Logan Diehl, Chance Davis, Dakota Mitchem, Ryan Sands, Dakota Davis, Mike LeeMasters, Nick Righter and Ty Lero. While some of the young bowlers struggled and others excelled in their divisions, all put forth extraordinary effort... -
Senior's take to the golf course
(Outdoors ~ 11/22/06)
Special to the Daily Mail Cooler weather hasn't stopped play at the Frank E. Peters Golf Course. Most senior golfers still play several times a week. On Thursday, Nov. 16, 10 of the 12 golfers braved the cold and wind with some good results, David Grubb fired a 79 and Dick Staihr bested his ace again with an 82. Grubb's wife Jean played nine holes with a 48...
City manager's sweet deal leaves sour taste
(Editorial ~ 11/22/06)
Harlan Moore's got a sweet deal with the city of Nevada -- it's sweet for Moore, but it leaves a sour taste in the palates of many of Nevada's citizens. The city will be paying a full-time salary to a part-time city manager -- he's only required to work three days a week. ...