Board discusses tax money use
(Local News ~ 11/02/06)
By Ralph Pokorny Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada Parks Board spent about two hours Wednesday night discussing the projects voters approved when they renewed the parks and recreation sales tax last year. At this point the board members have a good idea that a new civic center tops the list of the five projects that Nevada voters wanted and the improvements at Twin Lakes comes in a close second, followed by Earp Park improvements and walking and biking trails...
Cottey College stages women's symposium
(Local News ~ 11/02/06)
By Colette Lefebvre-Davis Nevada Daily Mail The Women's symposium has a new logo, a tree branches outstretched and two birds perch in its boughs. Melissa Earll, Luminia grants coordinator, explained that before this year, the women's symposium did not have a logo, and as Earll explained "people are visual."...
NRMC to get new monitors
(Local News ~ 11/02/06)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Members of the Nevada Regional Medical Center board voted to purchase new monitors for the Emergency Department and to lease more copiers to reduce the use of expensive printers Tuesday evening with most of the time spent wrestling with two issues, whether to self-insure employee health insurance and bond refunding, that were ultimately put off until later...
Fisher speaks on Amend. 2
(Local News ~ 11/02/06)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Barney Fisher spoke to the Nevada Lions Tuesday on Amendment 2 saying that he felt the proposed amendment was worded deceptively and that many Missourians would vote based on a misunderstanding of the issue. "The ballot language says the amendment would ban human cloning or attempted cloning but it does the exact opposite," Fisher said. ...
Pharmacy slumber party (Local News ~ 11/02/06)
Bleacher Blues
(Column ~ 11/02/06)
As I watched the crowded stadium of red garbed folk at the Chiefs game last Sunday, I began to have a backache as I remembered all the hours I have spent sitting in bleachers somewhere. My high school years were during World War II and in Washington, D.C., there was a perpetual brownout so that school activities were limited to afternoon hours. ...
Letters to the editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/02/06)
Vote "Yes" on Amendment 2 Dear Editor, Only a few in this area knew my twin brother Randy Risley, known simply as "Doc" or "Riz" in his hometown, Caldwell, Kan. He died of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma shortly before our 55th birthday. It was devastating to watch as he struggled for almost a year with a disease that had no cure. ...
The Way it Was
(Editorial ~ 11/02/06)
100 years ago Concert was popular An audience of about 3,000 gathered at the Auditorium Saturday night to hear the Bostonia orchestra, the first entertainment of the season on the pipe organ course. The audience was large, and was also responsive and appreciative, and it was plain to be ssen that the people who have purchased course tickets, numbering more than 2,000, were greatly pleased with the concert given by the 20 maids from Boston. ...
Tigers look for first district win to end season
(High School Sports ~ 11/02/06)
By Joe Warren Nevada Daily Mail NEVADA, Mo. -- The major question going into today's football game between the Nevada Tigers and the Monett Cubs is whether or not Tiger quarterback Ronnie Herda will play. Herda has proven to be the heart of the Nevada offensive attack, and it was never more evident than Friday when he went down just prior to halftime in the Tigers' loss at Seneca...
Lady Tigers back to work (High School Sports ~ 11/02/06)
Fallen tree narrowly misses house (Local News ~ 11/02/06)
High winds Monday blew this tree over a little after noon. Julie Bailey was in the kitchen of her home on Richards Road south of Nevada when she heard a noise and thought the walnut tree in the back yard had lost a limb. No other tree on the property appeared to have damage. ...