McCaskill narrowly wins U.S. Senate seat (Local News ~ 11/08/06)
Nevada Daily Mail In a race that stayed close and even looked like a victory for Talent in the early evening hours, Democrat Claire McCaskill unseated incumbent Jim Talent for Missouri's U.S. Senate seat by a narrow margin. Late night election returns slowly narrowed Talent's small lead, then overtook him as the urban votes were finally tallied, leaving McCaskill with about 51 percent of the vote... -
Fisher remains state representative (Local News ~ 11/08/06)
n State representative's race goes to incumbent. Nevada Daily Mail Voters across the state of Missouri and in Vernon County finally were able to voice their opinions on Tuesday, and they turned out in droves to do so -- polls in Vernon County saw a record number of voters... -
Stem cell initiative, minimum wage pass; voters nix tobacco tax
(State News ~ 11/08/06)
Nevada Daily Mail Missouri's minimum wage will go up to $6.50 per hour, as Proposition B gleaned landslide approval from voters on Tuesday. Amendment 2, the Stem Cell Initiative, seems to have won narrow approval in late election returns. An expensive, state-wide battle was waged on the issue, with passionate pleas about both sides of the issue. ...
Local voters reject the ambulance sales tax; McCord, Quitno win
(Community News ~ 11/08/06)
Nevada Daily Mail A bid to enact a sales tax to support the Vernon County Ambulance District failed, with an as yet unofficial tally of 3,901 votes against the measure and 3,082 votes in favor of it. The 1/2-cent sales tax would have replaced the property tax that currently funds the district...
MJs Coffee Rush reopens at a temporary location
(Local News ~ 11/08/06)
Nevada Daily Mail MJs Coffee Rush is back in business, in temporary quarters. Nearly two weeks ago, the driver of a pickup truck swerved to avoid an accident on Austin Boulevard and slammed into the Coffee Rush Building, splintering lumber and leaving the structure heavily damaged. No one was injured, but business was disrupted while the owners regrouped and decided what course of action to take...
City OKs sewer rate increase, postpones water rate decision
(Local News ~ 11/08/06)
By Ralph Pokorny Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada City Council voted 3-2 Tuesday night to give preliminary approval to raising the city's sewer rates and voted 4-1 to not approve an increase in the city's water rates until they had more information and possibly hold a public hearing on the issue...
Life experiences shared by career military veteran
(Column ~ 11/08/06)
A person who has devoted 31 years for his country by serving in the armed forces is a hero. One such person who chooses this community for retirement is retired Chief Master Sergeant Wayne K. Brown. He retired from the Air Force in 1974 as E9, the highest rank for an enlisted military person...
The Way it Was
(Editorial ~ 11/08/06)
100 years ago Missouri safe for Democracy ST. LOUIS -- The Democratic majority on the state ticket in Missouri, according to the unofficial returns received, will not exceed 8,000 or 10,000 and may fall as low as 5,000. It was believed this afternoon that the majority would be 18,000. The returns giving the majorities in each county are based on the vote A.M. Woodson and John Kennish, the candidates for supreme judge, long term...
Cottey College basketball
(College Sports ~ 11/08/06)
Cottey Comets vs. St. Mary JV Season opener 7 p.m. The Hinkhouse Center