Nevada Tae Kwon Do competes at AMA Regional (Local News ~ 07/09/09)
Nevada Tae Kwon Do traveled to Ozark, Mo., to compete in a Regional AMA tournament. Front row: Donald Pickering-first in forms and Diamond Pickering-first in sparring. Back row: Rocky Pickering-fourth in sparring, head instructor Lee Ogle, Jared McKay-first in sparring and first in forms and Dereck Dice-first in sparring... -
Red Sox defeat El Dorado Springs in final home game (Outdoors ~ 07/09/09)
The Nevada Red Sox AAA baseball rounded out their home schedule with a makeup contest against the El Dorado Springs Eagles Thursday night. The two teams were originally scheduled to meet on June 30 at El Dorado Springs, but that game was called off due to a field conflict. ... -
Missouri Longhorns win USSSA state tournament (Outdoors ~ 07/09/09)
The Missouri Longhorns took first place in the 15-and-under USSSA AA State Tournament at Champion Diamonds in Nevada July 2-4. Front row: Eric Leavell (Sheldon), Carter Siweck (Ozark), Cory Kerbs (Nevada), Devin Zorich (Smithville), Brendan Fast (El Dorado Springs), Josh Baker (Stockton). Back row: Coach Bob Kerbs, Johnathan Klingaman (Nevada), Ace Whitesell (El Dorado Springs), Grant Davis (Walker), Gage Belcher (Webb City), Zach Elledge (Parkview) and Coach Kevin Fast... -
Red Sox fall in district tournament opener
(Outdoors ~ 07/09/09)
The Nevada Red Sox AA baseball team started their district tournament on Wednesday night in Carl Junction. Nevada lost their first game to Cassville by a final score of 8-7, needing an extra frame to decide a winner. The Red Sox offense came out in full force, scoring six runs in the first inning...
Youth Fair turns 'hog wild' on Thursday (Local News ~ 07/09/09)
Numerous classes of swine judging took place on Thursday at the Vernon County Youth Fair. -
Spann named Lion of the Year (Local News ~ 07/09/09)
February 20, 1924, is a date that Nevada Lions Club members are very proud of. It is on that date that the Nevada Lions Club was organized. The original Nevada club had a diverse group of men with backgrounds in education, banking, and retail markets predominating. The current group of people in the Nevada club also have varied backgrounds... -
Little Britches Rodeo (Local News ~ 07/09/09)
First round events in the Little Britches Rodeo took place Thursday evening.