On My Own moves to new location
(Local News ~ 07/23/09)
The staff of On My Own, Inc., in Nevada is hard at work today, as they begin the process of moving their offices into the organization's new facility, across town from the former one. Moving will continue tomorrow, and the office will be closed both days, but phones will remain in operation through today...
Community center work continues (Local News ~ 07/23/09)
Hagerman takes third at national championships (High School Sports ~ 07/23/09)
Former Nevada High School Jordan Hagerman has added a new accomplishment to her ever-growing resume -- national medalist. Hagerman competed in the ASICS/Vaughn Junior and Cadet National Championships in Fargo, N.D., and brought home a third place finish against some very intense competition. ... -
Gast wins Swearingen scholarship (High School Sports ~ 07/23/09)
Eve Cameron Cox
(Births ~ 07/23/09)
Amber Miller and Evan Cox, of Nevada, and big sister Ava, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and baby sister, Eve Cameron Cox. Eve was born at 12:30, on July 3, 2009, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weigehd 6 pounds, 9 ounces, and measured 20 inches...
Sheriff's Report July 17
(Police/Fire Report ~ 07/23/09)
July 17 There were reports of an ambulance request in the Milo area, a careless and imprudent driver in the Nevada area, a cow out in the Nevada area, property damage in the Schell City area, property damage in the Nevada area, an agency assist in the Vernon County area, a refusal to leave in the Nevada area, a dog bite in the Nevada area, a dog bite in the Vernon County area, a standard motorist in the Sheldon area, and a disturbance in the Nevada area...
Tickets June 23-July 12
(Police/Fire Report ~ 07/23/09)
June 23 Christopher R. Million, Nevada, no proof of insurance. July 6 Mayte C. Campos-Augular, Nevada, no valid operator's license. Russell W. Fallin, Nevada, expired license plates. Nigel K. Fleming, Nevada, failure to stop at a stop light. Donald K. Jones, Reading, Kan., speeding 43/30...
Nevada license office to close July 30
(Local News ~ 07/23/09)
The Nevada motor vehicle and driver license office will close at the end of the business day on Thursday, July 30, and re-open when a new license office contract agent has been chosen to replace the retiring agent. There's no word so far on how long that process will take...
Thanks "FORE" Everything!
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/23/09)
Dear Editor: The week of July 13-17, the Fourth Annual NHS Golf Academy was held at the Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course. The purpose of this academy was to introduce the game of golf to young people and to further spark their interest and enjoyment of the game...
What we have here is a lack of communication
(Column ~ 07/23/09)
Remember the line from the Paul Newman movie where the cruel gang boss said that the problem was a lack of communication? Of course the problem was not the communication. The problem was the people involved. Last week our family stepped into a quagmire of communication problems over a cell phone. ...
Fish inspection needed for consumer safety
(Column ~ 07/23/09)
Dear Editor: While many accusations have been leveled at the domestic catfish industry and its pursuit of U.S. Department of Agriculture inspections, the intent of the U.S. catfish industry has always been very clear -- consumer safety. U.S. consumers currently believe that their seafood is subject to the same rigorous inspection standards as those imposed on meat and poultry products. ...