Grace Alexandra Frye
(Births ~ 07/22/09)
Mint and Jesse Frye, of Nevada, and siblings Jake and Lilly, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and baby sister, Grace Alexandra Frye. Grace was born at 8:43 a.m., on July 7, 2009, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and measured 20 1/2 inches...
Lane Emry Mead
(Births ~ 07/22/09)
Amy and Darren Mead, of El Dorado Springs, and big sister Gracie, are proud to announce the birth of their son and baby brother, Lane Emry Mead. Lane was born at 12:22 a.m., on July 12, 2009, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. He weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and measured 19 1/2 inches...
Wallace Arrington Fairfield Jr.
(Obituary ~ 07/22/09)
Wallace Arrington Fairfield Jr., 68, passed away on July 16, 2009, in Kansas City, Mo. He retired as a counselor from Nevada Habilitation Center in Nevada, and had taught in the York County and Newport News School Systems. Wallace received a doctorate from Montana State University and a Masters from University of Tennessee. He also served in the Marines and the Marine Reserve...
Police Reports June 17-19
(Police/Fire Report ~ 07/22/09)
July 17 There was a report of a burglary on the 300 block of east Wight, made by Jerry Williams, of Nevada. He reported a stereo and speakers stolen. An accident occurred at 5:11 p.m., at 814 N. Tucker, involving a SUV driven by Bobbie J. Hoover, of Sheldon, and a parked car owned by Thomas and Amanda Meyer, of Nevada. No injuries were reported...
Enticing butterflies to a garden benefits plants and owner
(Local News ~ 07/22/09)
Nearly 200 species of butterflies call Missouri home, including the monarch, painted lady and great spangled fritillary. According to Patrick Byers, horticulture specialist, University of Missouri Extension, this large variety makes butterfly gardening both easy and fun...
Search continues for Outstanding Older Worker
(Local News ~ 07/22/09)
Missouri's annual Outstanding Older Worker of the Year contest seeks to honor a Missouri resident who is 65 or older, employed at least 20 hours a week, and displays dependability and new skills on the job. The winner and regional finalists will be recognized at a two-day awards ceremony in September in Jefferson City, Mo...
Big dogs roam the library (Local News ~ 07/22/09)
Circus acts amaze crowd at fairgrounds (Local News ~ 07/22/09)
Council OKs new name for community center
(Local News ~ 07/22/09)
It takes three yes votes for the Nevada City Council to adopt a resolution and Tuesday night the three available city council members could not agree and voted 2-1 in favor of Resolution No. 1263 to postpone the selection of a firm to complete the update of the city's comprehensive plan. The 2-1 vote means the resolution didn't pass, because three votes are required...
Guard unit trains on supply support activities (Local News ~ 07/22/09)
A Missouri National Guard unit is training on supply support activities during their annual training exercise at the National Maintenance Training Center at Camp Dodge, near Des Moines, Iowa. Company A of the 311th Brigade Support Battalion is staffing the training center's supply warehouse during the training exercise. The Nevada-based unit is working to fill orders from National Guard units nationwide for repair parts for Army vehicles and other equipment... -
A train wreck maybe coming
(Column ~ 07/22/09)
Last week in the column I said that I thought that local papers should have only local information in them, not national. One reader informed me that she likes to get national news in the local paper as this is the only paper that she reads. I appreciated the feed back since I knew she had read the column...
Thank You Vernon County
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/22/09)
Dear Editor: The 64th annual Vernon County Youth Fair has come and gone. It was a great success. People in Vernon County are very kind and generous to the fair. I got to wondering why they are like that, so I spent time reading minutes from past board meetings, 1940s through the present, this week and found a simple answer. People in Vernon County care about young people getting the right start in life...