Council votes to lift residency rules for water workers
(Local News ~ 08/06/03)
New parks and recreation board members, water lines to serve development surrounding Wal-Mart and measures to aid tax collection highlighted the Nevada City Council's regular meeting Tuesday night. The council passed on second reading an ordinance approving a contract with Vernon County to collect three-year delinquent taxes, giving its final approval to the administrative agreement. ...
New kind of lumber company poised to set up shop in Key building
(Local News ~ 08/06/03)
The Key apparel building, located beneath the Austin Boulevard overpass will soon be bustling with activity again. Dave Brown and Steve Wheeler told the city council Tuesday night that they plan to open a new manufacturing business in this building and to help move the project along they asked the council to assist them in applying for a loan through the Community Development Block Grant program. ...
Jail tax defeated by staggering margin; sewer tax OK'd
(Local News ~ 08/06/03)
There'll be no new jail built in Vernon County -- at least not for now. The people of Vernon County have spoken and they do not want a law enforcement sales tax, at this time, but they are in favor of a city sewer tax. Once the votes were tallied, the people heartily rejected the law enforcement tax, with more than 70 percent of them saying no to the the measure. ...
Athletics capture third place in Triple Crown World Series
(High School Sports ~ 08/06/03)
The Nevada Athletics brought home the third-place trophy from the Triple Crown World Series, held at Steamboat Springs, Colo., last weekend. In their second straight World Series appearance, the Athletics, competing in the 18-and-under division, went 4-2, a considerable turnaround from a 0-4 mark in the 2002 tournament. ...
Leonard at large 8/6
(Column ~ 08/06/03)
The day when this column is published is when my mother's funeral and burial are held. She came to the end of this life experience at Nevada Regional Hospital Sunday morning. As I sat in the hospital, I was giving thought to her life and started writing some things down. ...
The way it was 8/6
(Column ~ 08/06/03)
100 Years Ago -- August 6, 1903 The Baptists of Sheldon are building a new church and the corner stone was laid by the Grand Lodge, A.F.& A.M. of Missouri Wednesday afternoon, in the presence of a very large assembly of people. Perhaps this splendid little town never in its history had an event of greater importance or one that awakened a deeper interest in the people. ...