Nevada centurion celebrates with friends and family
(Local News ~ 08/10/03)
Friday, August 8, Burton Hoffman celebrated his 100th birthday at Moore-Few Care Center joined by friends and family with cake, punch, and a visit from Mayor Bill Edmonds. Born in 1903, Hoffman has seen many changes in Vernon County and Nevada. "I was born nine miles southeast of Nevada in a little place then called Bristo," Hoffman said. ...
Skate park hosts pro demonstration
(Local News ~ 08/10/03)
The driving force was a group of young people -- all below voting age -- it was discussed for more than a year before it was built, and the company that built it is internationally known and located only 60 miles from here. Since its inception the skate park has been an unusual example of cooperation between widely disparate groups. ...
Officials say city's economic development's on the horizon
(Local News ~ 08/10/03)
The Nevada/Vernon County Chamber of Commerce luncheon, held Friday, was host to several speakers in addition to the regular business at hand. The first order of business was the awarding of the Nevada Smiles Award to Leslie Carroll-Bartlett for her organization and leadership in bringing the Heart of America Sheep Show to Nevada. ...
NBC World Series' workers find humorous side
(High School Sports ~ 08/10/03)
While the games go on and on and on, there is a handful of men and women who manage the day-to-day operation of the NBC World Series. They are the behind-the-scenes people who get little credit and even less publicity, but without whom the tournament could not survive, as it has for 69 years. ...
The way it was 8/10
(Column ~ 08/10/03)
100 Years Ago -- August 10, 1903 STORM UPDATE FROM METZ -- The furious storm that passed over this section of our village Friday night at 11 o'clock was accompanied with a great electric display. A half hour later, lightning struck the store building belonging to Mrs. ...
At random 8/10
(Column ~ 08/10/03)
This being summer, my wife Ginny and I have once again assumed the identities of Stumble and Bumble, that renowned married couple of daring and resourceful house builders and fixer-uppers, whose occasional lack of technical skill is more than offset by a rugged perseverance that would shame an airedale fighting for a bone. ...
The third cup 8/10
(Column ~ 08/10/03)
Hi neighbors. Like a good cup of coffee, family time together doesn't have to be fancy or expensive to be satisfying. My cousin and her family from Ohio visited this week and I proudly showed them around our community. My cousin Karen's oldest son has a great interest in history and asked to see the museum and to go on the driving tour of historic homes. ...
Outdoor living 8/10
(Column ~ 08/10/03)
Almost before you know it, the 2003 duck season will be open in Missouri. The early teal season is scheduled to open on Sept. 6 and run through Sept. 21, subject to federal guidelines. The early blue-winged teal numbers should be up slightly from last year due to good nesting conditions in their breeding grounds. ...
Sports outlook 8/10
(Column ~ 08/10/03)
A recent telephone conversation with Jim Novak prompted me to surmise that those who are currently in control of the Kansas City Royals are either arrogant or ignorant. Novak was complaining about attendance in the 3-game series with the Chicago White Sox on the last three days of July. ...