Sheldon residents soon to surf without wires
(Local News ~ 08/13/03)
Wireless internet service is coming to Sheldon. During a meeting Tuesday night, Sheldon's board of aldermen gave its final approval to an agreement with Neighborlink to provide wireless internet service to the city. The service will also be available to area residents within about a six-mile radius of the town. ...
Nevada Teleclinic offers dermatology care
(Local News ~ 08/13/03)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada Regional Medical Center Dermatology Teleclinic has been operating for about a month at the Nevada Telecenter, and Dale Potter, assistant director of the Missouri Telehealth Network, was on hand to review the progress. ...
Drought plagues Vernon County
(Local News ~ 08/13/03)
The corn is turning brown and the soybeans are stunted and refusing to bloom as Vernon County farmers cast their eyes to the sky and wonder if perhaps they are in the midst of a prolonged drought. This week Missouri governor Bob Holden asked the United States Department of Agriculture to consider drought assistance for 36 Missouri counties, including Vernon County, which also qualified last year. ...
Leonard at large 8/13
(Column ~ 08/13/03)
A week ago Sunday, my mother came to the end of this life experience at Nevada Regional Medical Center. Many people have expressed their sympathy to the family in a number of ways. The support received is greatly appreciated Thanks goes to a large number for their thoughtfulness. ...
The way it was 8/13
(Column ~ 08/13/03)
100 Years Ago -- August 13, 1903 HARWOOD HAPPENINGS -- With cooler weather come better health and some of our farmers have begun to plow for wheat. The wreckage of the Katy Flyer was viewed by many of our people yesterday. One of Mr. Muggy's boys, Luther, sustained a temporary injury by trying to jump off and re-board the wrecked train under heavy speed. ...
Young Blood 8/13
(Column ~ 08/13/03)
I love shoes! They are my one true love. I have a pair of shoes for every outfit and every occasion. Flip flops in various vibrant colors to fit my mood for the day. Strappy heals, slides, sandals, loafers, reds, blacks, browns, pinks and greens. Not to mention my many purses to match my many shoes. ...