Local leaders share ideas in open house
(Local News ~ 08/28/03)
"I can't believe how much I've learned here today," said Carol Parmenter, Vernon County University Extension 4-H specialist. She was addressing a group of women attending an open house for the female leaders of area organizations, conducted at the Center for Women's Leadership last week. ...
Hospital board discusses purchasing issues, salaries during regular meeting
(Local News ~ 08/28/03)
The Nevada Regional Medical Center board of directors met Tuesday evening in the new conference room in the new addition to the hospital. The new venue has room for meetings as well as staff development classes. Nursing department representatives were on hand to thank the NRMC board, following Dr. ...
Neptunes net championships, awards
(High School Sports ~ 08/28/03)
Three Nevada Neptune Swim Club members reached the finals of the Tri-State Championships in early August. Swimmers from Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri competed in the two-day event held at Pittsburg, Kan. Kristen Badgley, winner of the High Point Award for 13-14-year-old girls at the championships, scored firsts in the 50-yard backstroke, 50 butterfly and the 100 freestyle. ...
The way it was 8/28
(Column ~ 08/28/03)
100 Years Ago -- August 28, 1903 ITEMS -- Everything pertaining to a business is taught at the Nevada Business College, Tuition reasonable. Catalogue Free. The Wide Awake Racket 5 and 10 cents Store has moved to South Side of Square in Marts Bros. old stand with Dempsey Candy Works Store. ...
Then and now 8.28
(Column ~ 08/28/03)
"Children's literature" is a relatively modern innovation. Traditionally, literature was just literature. Kids cut their reading teeth on the books their elders were reading. I'm not the only one to have misgivings about the idea of "children's literature," of books written just for children. ...
Middle age plus 8/28
(Column ~ 08/28/03)
I am inspired by the statement Leonard Ernsbarger made in his last column about taking 10,000 steps a day. Just in case some of you didn't get a chance to read the column, he said that the Diabetes Association recommends that everyone take 10,000 steps each day to improve health. ...