Abandoned pets at risk of poor health
(Local News ~ 07/02/03)
Imagine a puppy, small and cute, filled with a romping enthusiasm for life and eyes filled with love and devotion. Now imagine that same puppy getting steadily thinner and more lethargic as it is slowly starved to death. Its blood thins and its intestines become choked with parasites that rob it of precious nutrients. ...
Residents turn out for NRMC open house on June 29
(Local News ~ 07/02/03)
Citizens took advantage of the opportunity to get a peek at the new facilities Nevada Regional Medical Center has to offer, during an open house conducted on Sunday, June 29. Tours were conducted of the hospital's new $15 million patient tower. The hospital was first constructed in 1937, and since then has been renovated multiple times, with additions constructed in 1950, 1970, 1972 and 1996. ...
Firefighters stress safety for Fourth of July
(Local News ~ 07/02/03)
The annual Fourth of July celebrations around the nation are fun and entertaining but they are also dangerous. According to the National Fire Safety Council it is estimated that 8,300 people are injured by fireworks each year. Nevada firefighter Steve Oberly told an audience at the Nevada Senior Center that three or four people go to the Nevada Regional Medical Center each year for treatment of injuries sustained because of fireworks. ...
Legal issues continue to stall the Ozark Building renovation project
(High School Sports ~ 07/02/03)
A proposal that would have allowed work toward the redevelopment of the Ozark Building to begin is still on hold. Tuesday night, the Nevada City Council voted to table an ordinance that would have amended the purchase and sale agreement between the city and Cypress Grove Apartments until the next city council meeting. ...
New winners in three divisions at Nevada Speedway Saturday night (High School Sports ~ 07/02/03)
Lots of action resulted in excellent racing and new Feature winners in the Late Model, Street Stock and Mini-Stock Divisions. Points leaders remain the same in all but one division. Jack Simmons is back in the lead in the Late Model Division. Nevada Speedway's Fourth of July Special will have a 40 lap Feature in the Late Model Division with a $1,000 purse for the winner. ... -
Griffons fall to Hays Larks in doubleheader 2-0, 7-2 (High School Sports ~ 07/02/03)
A strong effort by the Nevada Griffons wasn't enough to pull a win in Tuesday night's doubleheader against the Hays Larks, and the Griffons recorded a loss in both games. A lead-off home run by Hays center fielder Mark Lyons began the evening, and a second Larks home run by right fielder Seth Fortenberry led the fourth inning, accounting for the Larks' two-run total for the game. ... -
The way it was 7/2
(Column ~ 07/02/03)
100 Years Ago -- July 2, 1903 HARWOOD HAPPENINGS -- Fred Tracy of Nevada, was in Harwood visiting Monday. W.A. Underwood has sold his grain house to Chas. Moss. Five carloads of corn were shipped from this place Tuesday, Charlie Broughton making a sale of about 500 bushels. ...
Leonard at large 7/2
(Column ~ 07/02/03)
This week we are celebrating a special national holiday in observance of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which established our country. This year's celebration will be a little different. In recent months, we have had countrymen fighting for our freedom and the freedom of other -- giving of their lives, making a sacrifice so that freedom continues to ring. ...