Local producers report bountiful wheat harvest
(Local News ~ 07/03/03)
For the past several years, area grain producers have had a rough time Last fall, a sizable amount of acreage was put into winter wheat with the hopes of finally realizing a good payoff. Now that the winter wheat is mostly harvested and the numbers are being tallied, it now appears a good season has finally come around for area wheat farmers. ...
Project supports meals for seniors
(Local News ~ 07/03/03)
The Nevada Senior Center serves almost 12,000 meals at the center and delivers close to 24,000 meals annually to frail, homebound older adults in and around Nevada. Approximately 100 seniors throughout Vernon County receive home delivered meals regardless of their ability to pay. ...
Larks sweep series against Griffons
(High School Sports ~ 07/03/03)
The Hays Larks pulled ahead of the Nevada Griffons for a 3-1 Wednesday night at Lyon Stadium to complete a 3-game sweep of the Griffons for the second time this year. The loss puts the Griffons record to 18-9 overall and 8-8 in the Jayhawk League. The Larks, currently 21-3 overall and 14-3 in the Jayhawk League, won a three-game series in Hays against the Griffons in June. ...
The way it was 7/3
(Column ~ 07/03/03)
100 Years Ago -- July 3, 1903 The County Court was busy Friday examining applications for saloon licenses, nine having been filed. Road and Bridge Commissioner Clack ordered to proceed to build a wooden bridge on the Bates County line in Metz Township to be paid for equally by Vernon and Bates Counties. ...
Then and now 7/3
(Column ~ 07/03/03)
I'm pleased that my lament of the lack of reader response seems to be bearing fruit, above all on the subject of liberalism. I won't necessarily go on belaboring it forever; but the responses deserve a response in return. And surely I'm not the only person who sees a protracted pursuit of a subject not as a "word-war" but as an enjoyable and even illuminating dialogue. ...
Middle age plus 7/3
(Column ~ 07/03/03)
We have one and one half miles of a rock/gravel road before we get to the highway. No matter which direction we take, or what route we use to go to town, we know that there will be a section of our trip on unpaved roads. We don't mind because we remember what it used to be like before the road was covered with the crushed rock. ...