Storyteller appears at the library
(Local News ~ 07/31/03)
Wednesday at 1 p.m. the "Laugh It Up @ Your Library" summer reading program had it's final meeting for all readers grades kindergarten through sixth. Throughout the summer, young readers have met at the library each Tuesday and Wednesday for reading and fun activities. ...
NRMC board debates increasing pay scale for nursing staff
(Local News ~ 07/31/03)
Pay increases for nurses topped the agenda of the Nevada Regional Medical Center Board Tuesday. Tom Delaney, human resources officer, told the board present salaries for nurses on average were competitive with hospitals in the local market. However, when divided into ranges based on education, length of employment, and experience, NRMC's pay scale is lower. ...
The way it was 7/31
(Column ~ 07/31/03)
100 Years Ago -- July 31, 1903 BELLAMY BULLETINS -- Assessor Len Batts was in town Saturday listing the real estate and personal property. Presiding Elder Burton preached an excellent sermon at the schoolhouse Friday night. He held a quarterly meeting at Montevallo Saturday and Sunday. ...
Middle age plus 7/31
(Column ~ 07/31/03)
Nothing makes me realize the passage of time more quickly than to be involved with a great grandchild in the same type of activity I had shared with her grandmother and mother. This week our daughter, Shirley, and I took her granddaughter over to Camp Galilee in El Dorado Springs. ...
Then and now
(Column ~ 07/31/03)
True to my cracked-record refrain that columnists ought to carry on a running dialogue on things that matters, not just serve up further budgets of their personal "kitchenmaid' s chatter," as Europeans call it, I've been trying to make head or tail of a recent contribution of one of the most eminent among us, and so formulate some kind of pertinent response. ...