Nevada man dies in weekend crash near Bolivar
(Local News ~ 07/29/03)
A Nevada man, Colan Arvin, 21, was killed in a fiery traffic accident near Bolivar Saturday morning. According to a report from the Missouri State Highway patrol, Arvin was headed east on Highway 32, about five miles east of Bolivar, when the 1999 Ford F450 he was driving crossed the centerline and struck a 1997 International truck driven by a Boliver man, 43-year-old David Rouch. ...
Black promotes peace as student ambassador
(Local News ~ 07/29/03)
Editor's note: Austin Black, of Nevada, recently toured portions of Europe as part of a People to People delegation of student ambassadors, to learn of the culture and history of other nations. The following was penned by his mother, Brenda Black, on his return to the United States. ...
First-time winners, hotly contested races highlight Nevada Speedway action
(High School Sports ~ 07/29/03)
The racing was fast and furious as the competition heated up going into the last half of the season at Nevada Speedway on Saturday night. Jack Simmons of Erie, Kan., made a late run through the field to capture his fifth win and maintain his points lead over Donnie Timmerman of El Dorado Springs, Mo., who finished second in the late model feature race. ...
The way it was 7/29
(Column ~ 07/29/03)
100 Years Ago -- July 29, 1903 J.H. Kaylor has purchased, from Henry Morris, the two-story double brick business property adjoining Kaylor's building on South Main Street with the lot adjacent on the south for $1,800. Kaylor has contracted with D.W. ...
Through a glass darkly 7/29
(Column ~ 07/29/03)
Marshall McLuhan is a name unfamiliar to most people under 40 or so. Maybe they heard something in school about him but were never really taught who he was or why his work was important. Perhaps they recall phrases like "global village" or "The medium is the message" but have never delved any deeper into his work. ...