Band takes top honors in competition
(Local News ~ 10/15/03)
The Nevada Tiger Pride Marching band brought home top honors from a regional competition for the second time this weekend. The band competed in the Ozarko band festival at Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield, on Saturday, Oct. 11. The Tigers placed first in the preliminary competition and earned additional awards for outstanding horn line and outstanding drum majors. ...
County passes concealed weapons ordinance
(Local News ~ 10/15/03)
Last week, in response to the passing of the Missouri concealed weapons bill, the Vernon County commissioners passed an ordinance that will prohibit concealed firearms from being carried in county facilities. Presiding Commissioner Charlie Johnson stated that the commissioners, when they were faced with the new concealed weapons law, went to the prosecuting attorney to find out what authority they had over restricting firearms because they were concerned that without an ordinance there was no way to control guns in the courthouse and on county property. ...
The way it was 10/15
(Column ~ 10/15/03)
100 Years Ago -- October 15, 1903 ITEMS -- Attorneys A.J. King and W.H. Hallett went to Metz today to try a case in the Justice Court in that place. Fresh oysters and celery at Hill's Meat Market on north side of the Square. Miss Molie Sickles passed through Nevada today en route from Schell City to Parsons, Kansas, where she will spend the winter. ...
Leonard at large
(Column ~ 10/15/03)
In recent weeks, we have seen many of the streets in Nevada under construction, which is part of the street improvement program provided by a one-half cent sales tax. Your tax dollars are at work on this special project. And when you look at all the streets improved this way, it's a big change. ...