Steps to reduce breast cancer risk with prevention and early detection
(Local News ~ 10/16/03)
October is breast cancer awareness month. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women other than skin cancer, and it is the second leading cause of cancer death in women after lung cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that 211,300 women and 1,300 men will be diagnosed with new cases of breast cancer in the United States this year; 39,800 women and 400 men will die from the disease. ...
Cancer: early detection saves lives (Local News ~ 10/16/03)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Not many years ago, an October event saved her life. Marilyn Edmonds, Nevada, was unaware she had breast cancer until October 1996 when she went in for an exam because she heard it was Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Since that time Edmonds has been an active crusader spreading the word that early detection is an essential part of effective treatment. ... -
Vernon County West Nile Virus victim recovering
(Local News ~ 10/16/03)
Recently, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Section for Communicable Disease Prevention reported that in the early part of September, Vernon County reported a non-fatal human case of West Nile Virus. Beth Swopes, administrator for the Vernon County Health Department, said that once a person comes down with West Nile that there is not much that can be done besides treating the symptoms and that is why prevention is so important. ...
City, county officials evaluate hazardous materials response
(Local News ~ 10/16/03)
Nevada and Vernon County officials will have to spend a couple of hours next week trying to figure out how well prepared they are to respond to terrorist attacks or hazardous material spills. This information -- which includes data on law enforcement, fire departments, ambulance district, public works and public health as well as agriculture --must be compiled for each governmental jurisdiction in the county and is supposed to be submitted to the state by the end of October, Dennis Kimrey, Vernon County emergency manager, said during Wednesday's Vernon County Local Emergency Planning Committee's monthly meeting. ...
Air Force band brings down the house
(Local News ~ 10/16/03)
The United States Air Force Band of Mid-America performed for a packed house Wednesday night in a free concert sponsored by the Nevada Daily Mail. The United States Air Force Band of Mid-America's Concert Band is a group of 45 enlisted professional musicians who musically represent the professionalism and excellence found every day throughout the United States Air Force. ...
The way it was 10/16
(Column ~ 10/16/03)
100 Years Ago -- October 16, 1903 ITEMS -- J.H. Kelly, formerly of the American Institute of Science of this city, is now the head of the Fallopis-Lynn Company of St. Louis and is prospering, which will be gratifying news to his many friends in Nevada. ...
Through a glass darkly 10/16
(Column ~ 10/16/03)
"Some have said we must not act until the threat is imminent. . . But let there be no misunderstanding: If Saddam Hussein does not fully disarm, for the safety of our people and for the peace of the world, we will lead a coalition to disarm him." President G. ...
Middle age plus 10/16
(Column ~ 10/16/03)
In my childhood, my sister and I were limited in having pets because of our twice yearly trips from Washington DC to Missouri and back. Each year our neighbor, Jim Berry, would have a couple of kittens to give us when we came to the farm in June. But when we left in September, we had to give them back or find other homes for them. ...