LEPC plans for hazardous materials emergencies
(Local News ~ 11/20/03)
Bob Dopp, executive director of the Missouri Emergency Response Commission, was on hand Wednesday for the monthly meeting of the Local Emergency Planning Commission. Dopp was there to explain the laws each local group must follow and the procedures the group should implement in order to follow those laws...
Students give store windows a holiday glow (Local News ~ 11/20/03)
A patriotic Christmas (Local News ~ 11/20/03)
Holiday cheer has found its way to the second floor of the Vernon County Courthouse. This year, employees decorated the tree with a patriotic theme. -
Local couple wins state sheep award (Community News ~ 11/20/03)
El Dorado Springs sheep producers Jerry and Leslie Bartlett were honored with the Show-Me Master Sheep Producer Award, for under the 60 head commercial division at the Missouri Sheep Producers Conference on Nov. 8. This award, sponsored by the Missouri Farm Bureau is awarded to producers who do outstanding work in the promotion of, or adding value to, sheep in the state of Missouri. ... -
Woman suffers minor injuries when train collides with van
(Local News ~ 11/20/03)
A Nevada woman was injured when her mini-van was struck by a train just after 9 o'clock Tuesday night. According to a report from the Nevada Police Department, Patricia A. Christensen received "probable but not apparent" injuries. Nevada police Captain Norman Turner said that Gary Scott, an employee with Missouri-Northern Arkansas railroad, was riding on the rear-most car of the train coordinating with engineer, Robert C. ...
Nevada R-5 schools celebrate American Education Week with treats and events
(Local News ~ 11/20/03)
American Education Week, Nov, 17-23, sponsored in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Education, is an annual opportunity for MSTA/CTAs to build new alliances with the community. This year's theme is "Great Public Schools for Every Child-America's Promise." The goal is to emphasize the important role educators play in helping today's students succeed...
Middle age plus
(Column ~ 11/20/03)
It's amazing what you can find if you dig deep enough in a closet or in a garage. A recent cleaning spree in our home uncovered three pairs of skates that I had forgotten we still had. Two of them were ice skates, complete with ankle high shoes. They would still fit me if I ever found a day cold enough for our pond to be frozen hard enough for skating. ...
Then and now
(Column ~ 11/20/03)
Cooperation between the Vernon County Historical Society and the Sons of Confederate Veterans should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with the local past (or even merely with the local present: Bushwhacker Days and all that). According to the record, 19 out of 20 Vernon Countians were Confederate sympathizers. Proportionate to population, Bushwhackers apart, the county sent more men to the Confederate army than any other in Missouri...
The way it was
(Column ~ 11/20/03)
100 Years Ago -- November 20, 1903 ITEMS -- The Knights of Pythies will give a smoker next Tuesday night. These social smokers are always pleasant occasions and are thoroughly enjoyed by those who attend. The Woodsmen of the World enjoyed a sumptuous possum supper Wednesday night and everybody had a good time, especially Bob Ellis who was the presiding officer. The Woodsmen are indebted to Charlie Jones for the feast...