Stranger than fiction
(Column ~ 11/21/03)
With my 34th birthday coming up fast, I've got to admit that my stance on childbearing is softening a bit. Back in the day, when my other childless friends would self-deprecatingly say they were "too selfish" to have kids, I'd take off on a rant that made them regret it...
The way it was
(Column ~ 11/21/03)
100 Years Ago -- November 21, 1903 SOCIETY AND CLUB NEWS -- The No Name Euchre Club was entertained this afternoon by Miss Lillian Godfrey. The Eastern Star gave a delightful banquet Thursday night in the Masonic Hall. Miss Bessie Thorp will entertain next Friday night at the lovely Thorp home on West Hunter Street. ...
Comets fall short (College Sports ~ 11/21/03)
Entering last night's contest, the Cottey Comets knew that containing Dee Elsass would be a tall order. Elsass, Ozark Christian's six-foot-five center, proved to be the major factor in a 63-52 Cottey loss on Thursday night. "It hurts when you face a 6-5 girl and they can just feed her all night and there's nothing you can do about it," said Cottey coach Brenda Rose. "But, overall, I thought we played well against her."... -
Lighting ceremony at Radio Springs Park set for Tuesday
(Local News ~ 11/21/03)
Mayor Bill Edmonds, members of the Nevada City Council and the Nevada park board will be at Radio Springs Park on Tuesday, Nov. 25, at 5:45 p.m., to take part in the annual lighting of the Mayor's Christmas Tree along with other park lighting. In the past, the Mayor's Christmas Tree has been located on the Square...
Main street preservation expert visits Nevada group (Community News ~ 11/21/03)
Main Street Nevada received a visit from Sheri Stuart, National Main Street Center program associate, Wednesday. Stuart has been with the Main Street organization for 13 years, the last five at the national level. Stuart was in town to do a program review of the Nevada group and take a look at what their plans are for the future... -
Acorn property sold on courthouse steps (Local News ~ 11/21/03)
The Acorn Televillages story added a new chapter Thursday afternoon when Chris Hoberock, at the top of the stairs, sold some of property Acorn purchased from the city of Nevada on the Vernon County Courthouse steps to Nevada attorney Don Russell for $10,000 cash on the behalf of Nemo Incorporated. ...